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Integrating the Energy, Land and Water Nexus in Climate Action Through Synergistic Partnerships and Innovations

The global community faces multiple interrelated challenges to secure food, energy and water to meet sustainable development objectives, while climate change is profoundly impacting the systems and value chains the world relies on to deliver these key resources.  

Integrating resource management and climate action across different sectors requires new approaches, underpinned by scientific analytical methods and tools, to support more consistent policymaking and avoid unintended negative impacts across sectors and on climate action. Synergistic resource management and innovations, facilitated by increased collaboration and partnerships and supported by international organizations and civil society, can help realize development goals while conserving scarce resources and building climate resilience.   

In this event, panellists from governments, civil society and the scientific community, with UN agencies, will share perspectives and exchange experience on integrated approaches to sustainable climate-resilient development. Speakers will discuss success stories, challenges and opportunities for addressing interlinkages between energy, water and agriculture, and climate change, to support the SDGs and Paris Agreement. 


  • Huang Wei, Director of Energy Planning, Information and Knowledge Management, IAEA 

  • Waleed Hassan Abou El Hassan. Head of Water and Natural Resources Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 

  • Mark Howells, Programme Director, Climate Compatible Growth 

  • Linus Mofor, Senior Environmental Affairs Officer, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa 

More Info


December 11 - 15:30
December 11 - 16:30
Opening Day
Blue Zone

Agriculture AI Collaboration Energy transition Food Negotiation SDGs Solutions


International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
(+43-1) 2600-0

COP guide 2023